Pugs are among the most popular breeds of dogs out there. They are cute and full of personality. The problem is, taking care of pugs can be very expensive. For instance, buying a pug from a local breeder will cost you around $850 to $2,350! That is just the price of buying a pug. What about the everyday cost of keeping a pug? How can we make pug ownership more affordable?
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To help you further save on cost in keeping a pug, here are 7 tips for making pug ownership more affordable for you and your family.
TIP #1: Adopt a Pug

Whatever type of dog breed you want, chances are high that your local animal shelter is full of it. There is also the great potential that you will find a pug or two in your nearby animal shelter so that should be the first place you should visit instead of a puppy mill or a pet store.
By adopting a pug from your local shelter, you will be saving the life of a poor creature. This is the same exact reason why activists and animal lovers promote adopting pets. When you opt to rescue a pug from your local shelter rather than purchase one from a dog breeder, you are helping save the life of a healthy but abandoned animal.
However, you need to understand that adopting a pug may incur some indirect costs. This may jeopardize your goal of saving money in keeping a pug as a pet. There are cases when an animal adopted from a shelter possesses medical conditions or even communicable diseases. There are cases of people who adopted animals for free who spent as much as $500 at the vet. Therefore, a very good tip to save money is to consider adopting from animal shelters that offer a guarantee of health. These shelters provide a guarantee that the pets have been checked up and treated for any type of condition and are ready for adoption. Of course, this will always be quite controversial, but for people who are having difficulty with money, taking care of a sick pet may just add to the burden of their everyday struggles. Adopting a pug from an animal shelter that provides a guarantee of fitness is a good way to save a pug without breaking the bank.
TIP #2: Be smart with veterinary expenses
A dedicated pug pet owner should regularly bring his pug to the vet. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, people in the USA spend on average $356 annually on their dog’s health care. So, there is no way you cannot spend money for the veterinary needs of your pug. You cannot avoid it, but there are ways to control your pug’s veterinary expenses.
If you want to keep your pug’s veterinary expenses low, the best thing to do is to choose your vet/clinic carefully. Many online forums offer information on affordable vets in many areas. You may also talk to your locality’s humane society to find a suitable veterinarian for you. Ask around fellow pet owners for a vet that provides quality service for a fraction of the cost.
Other expenses such as vitamins and other health products, there are various online shops that will sell these products at cheaper prices than brick and mortar stores. Ask for prescriptions for your pug’s medications so you can order them online.
TIP #3: Groom your pug yourself
To prevent sickness, learn how to groom your pug. This breed of dogs are not hairy, so you will not need to know a lot about more advanced techniques. Just learning how to properly your brush pug’s teeth and wash its hair will save you a lot. There are a lot of online resources that you can use to learn the basics of maintaining the hygiene of your pug.
TIP #4: Be resourceful with toys

Dogs are not children. Whereas children will have a preference in terms of toys, pugs usually are content with whatever is available. For many pug owners, instead of buying toys, creatively crafting their dog’s own toys is a great way to save money.
According to the American Pet Products Association, dog owners in America spend on average $107 annually in purchases for dog toys and treats. Sure, these toys are essential for the mental development of your pug. Toys are also a great way to keep your pug busy and happy. However, pugs do not really prefer expensive toys. What is important is to provide toys that can pique their attention. Often these toys are those that can be gnawed or chased. In fact, your pug will be happy with a simple stick you tossed. Furthermore, Sweet potatoes can be a healthy and cheap option to use as dog treats as they are rich in nutrients.
TIP #5: Differentiate cosmetics from essential things
Health and food should be your number one priority when setting aside a budget for your dog’s expenses. But you can easily lower the expenditure if you will prioritize the essential things only. This one is related to the above-mentioned things such as toys and grooming. What we mean by hearing are miscellaneous things that some pet owners buy for their dogs.
These include pet clothes, matching collars, and even branded dog houses and cushions. There is just no real reason to buy any of these for your pets. At best, they are unnecessary. At worst, these things could harm your dog. Your pet is born with natural hair, so buying them clothes could actually put them at risk of heatstroke. Branded dog houses and cushions are extremely just for luxury.
In terms of this stuff, there is just one rule, do not buy them.
TIP #6: Feed your pug healthy food

This is connected to health. If you want to avoid any kind of hospitalization, it is best to invest in affordable but healthy dog food. You can easily ask for guidance on what food best suited for your pug by asking about it from the animal shelter where you got your pet from. Animal shelters are usually run by a charity, meaning they will try their best to save on animal foods. They know the cheapest but quality dog food there is.
It is also so important to have an understanding of human foods that dogs can and can’t eat, which could cause various illnesses and cost you more dollars to pay the vet.
TIP #7: Incorporate your dog in your holiday plans
What would be the best way to save money for your pug during your holidays? Would it be cheaper to hire a dog sitter? Or should you just bring your pet with you?
The answers to these questions will deeply depend on the nature of your holiday and your destination. For short weekend road trips, it could save you a lot to bring your dog with you. It would be good, therefore, to train your pug to go with you in the car.
For holidays that would require flying, then a dog sitter would be a wiser decision to make. WoofConnect dog sitter is the perfect place to find great dog boarding. Always balance between affordability and the quality of service. Always put your pug’s welfare in priority when looking for a dog sitter. It is nice to save but always prioritize your pet’s safety.
In conclusion, having a pug as a pet is one of the most rewarding things you would experience as a pet owner. They are fun, cute, and extremely loyal. They give back the love you gave tenfolds. However, having a pug as a pet is no joke. It comes with a whole checklist of responsibilities that you need to follow in order to keep your pet’s health and well-being. Taking into consideration all of the things that you have to do to your pet, the cost could easily stack really high. But, you can easily cut on these problematic expenses! Just follow the 7 tips we provided here and we are sure you can easily save without sacrificing the health, wellness, and happiness of your pug.
September 7, 2021 at 11:35 am
Getting a pug as a pet was the best thing ever happened to me. They are just adorable and fun to be around with.