Pug Tattoo Story – Muffin, Our Hero

A beautiful story behind a tattoo of Muffin, the Pug cross Pekingese, submitted by Anja from Haderslev, Denmark

My tattoo is on the outer side of my upper thigh on my right leg.
I got it tattooed by Batanik at Beauty and the Beast – Tattoo and Beauty Clinic in a town called Inkast, Denmark.

So, when I was 18, my parents split. My dad never wanted a dog, so now my mum took the chance and we got Muffin. The break-up was really hard on my mum and me and my sister, so Muffin kinda saved us in those dark days. She just threw herself in our arms like if she always knew that this was where she belongs!

One day I saw on Facebook that this tattoo shop offered one free tattoo to one lucky person. The criteria: It had to be of a fluffy and furry little friend. So I laughed a little when I posted a picture of Muffin and a text (like the one above).

A little month later I got a message from the shopkeeper saying that I won and we scheduled a day for me to come sit in the chair. 4,5 hours later this beauty was done.

Side info: Muffin is a Pug/Pekingese and just the sweetest and most caring little creature you could imagine.

Author: admin

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