Pugs are by now well known for the health issues they commonly face. According to Pets.WebMD, they are no longer considered ‘typical’ pets due to this. While respiratory issues and skin fold infections are well understood by owners, one aspect less widely discussed is pests.
In dogs, it’s commonly those breeds with long, thick coats of hair that are associated with pests. However, parasites and bugs can have just as much of an impact on pugs, and, indeed, their skin folds can often hide some really serious problems. Being aware of this can help to tick off another issue that could otherwise imperil pet health.
Beating fleas
It can seem easy to get rid of fleas on fine coated dogs like pugs. However, that’s not always the case. As The Spruce pets highlights, fleas are as small as the tip of a pencil. That’s not much thicker than the fine hairs that pugs have.
Furthermore, with skin folds often hiding skin problems, they can also hide flea infestations too – creating an escalating and dangerous situation. Fleas also breed rapidly, laying up to 20 eggs a day, which is why rapid control is essential. Beyond the simple steps, like de-fleaing and taking the dog to the vet for a proper checkup for signs of infestation, you can also look to take regular checks with your pet pug to ensure that their folds are clean, too. A fine toothed comb can also help to pull back on fine hair strands and reveal where issues lie underneath.
Heartworm infestations
A gruesome and nightmarish condition, heartworms are where parasites enter the animal, via mosquitos, infecting the lungs and eventually the heart. These parasites are endemic to the USA, and can impact pugs disproportionately due to the short respiratory tract of the animal and the smaller size of the animal – it simply takes less time for the parasite to migrate around.
As they impact the animal internally, they can be difficult to spot until it’s too late. The remedy here is simple – visit the vet for year-round heartworm protection, and visit the FDA to see if you’re in a high-risk region.
The mange
Given the propensity of pugs to contract skin conditions from simple rubbing and their day-to-day activities, it can be hard to spot when more serious skin conditions take root. One such condition is the mange, or mites, which can leave scaly and red sores around the mouth and thin-furred areas.
This is especially difficult as it can resolve on its own, leading to an ebb and flow where it can be hard to decipher between what’s caused by aggravated rubbing and what’s a pest. As always, a visit to the vet can be helpful, as well as being clued up on how your dog reacts to various conditions – consider keeping photos for future reference.
Pugs can have long, happy and healthy lives – but they need owners who take their health seriously. That includes the difficult matter of pests and bugs. Protect your hound by safeguarding their health all year round.